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Clarifier 16 oz.
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SpaPure Clarifier takes the small particles you can't see and clumps them together, so that they become large enough for your filter to easily remove them. Freshly filled spas, hazy water, or even great looking water can be improved with SpaPure Clarifier.
A unique combination of chemicals that will keep your pool or spa crystal clear and free from iron, calcium build-up, staining, foam, and turbid and cloudy water by removing and coagulating impurities and suspended particles.
Oxidizer Shock - Non-Chlorine
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Over time, spa water can look dull and the chemicals in the water don't work as well as they should. Spa Oxidizing Shock revitalizes your sanitizer, clears the water, eliminates odors and more. Removes organic wastes and refreshens spa water.
Granular Chlorine
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Chlorinating Granules is a fast acting sanitizer in water. Our Chlorinating Granules works well in a spa environment to disinfect, sanitize, and deliver clean fresh water, with minimal additions.
pH Down 1.5lb
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Your spa's pH needs to be in the range of 7.2 to 7.6; high pH will make the water uncomfortable and can lead to scale formation. A pH in the ideal range is comfortable for bathers and will help prevent equipment from degrading.
Filter Cleaner
Regular price
A spa filter removes a lot of stuff from your spa, most of which you cannot see. SpaPure Filter Cleaner cleans all the things that a spa filter grabs, such as body oil, dead skin, dirt, and grease. Regular cleaning of your filter will keep your water beautiful.