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Brominating Tablets
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Compressed 1" bromine tablets provide long lasting sanitizing protection. Totally soluble bromine tablets offer alternative to traditional chlorine products for use in brominators or floaters.
Clears cloudy water by helping filter collect floating particles. Improves filter effeciency without affecting water balance.
Spa Test Strips
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Tests chlorine, bromine, alkalinity, pH and total hardness. Includes 50 test strips, Features an easy open bottle with never-lose cap.
Spa Shock (7lbs)
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Non-chlorine granular shock treatment for spas and hot tubs, removes unwanted organic compounds from spa water, and restores water sparkle.
Filter Cleaner
Regular price
Removes oil, grease and other debris from spa filters to enhance filteration and improve water clarity. Use every 4 to 6 weeks to keep filters clean and operating properly.