This spray-and-wipe formula uses the cleaning power of citrus to quickly cut through the toughest grease and grime.
Simply Soft
Regular price
This one time use product will make your skin feel soft and moisturized while reducing eye and skin irritation. A light fragrance and soothing moisturizers add comfort, while improving water conditions.
Liquid Hardness Increaser 16 oz.
Regular price
Water needs calcium hardness. If your levels are too low, a small addition of Hardness Increaser brings the levels up safely while not clouding the water. When levels are ideal, you will prolong the life of your spa. The water will also be less aggressive and corrosive.
Hardness Increaser 16 oz.
Regular price
Water needs calcium hardness. If your levels are too low, a small addition of Hardness Increaser brings the levels up safely while not clouding the water. When levels are ideal, you will prolong the life of your spa. The water will also be less aggressive and corrosive.
Clarifier 16 oz.
Regular price
SpaPure Clarifier takes the small particles you can't see and clumps them together, so that they become large enough for your filter to easily remove them. Freshly filled spas, hazy water, or even great looking water can be improved with SpaPure Clarifier.
Chlorine Spa Kit
Regular price
A complete kit containing essential chemicals including Granular Chlorine for start-up and maintaining spas and hot tubs.
Brom Bank
Regular price
This product works in conjunction with Bromine Tabs to instantly create a bromide reserve in your spa. Bromine is very slow to do this on its own, so why wait? Brom Bank eliminates the down time in your spa.
Stain & Scale Control (16oz)
Regular price
Liquid formula prevents stains from dissolved metals including iron, copper and manganese. Also prevents scale formation from excess calcium in water.
Spa Shock Xtra
Regular price
Multipurpose shock that restores water sparkle and removes unpleasant odors. Can be used in chlorinated or brominated spas and those using ozone or ionization systems.
pH Increaser
Regular price
Convenient, granular product that raises the pH of spa and hot tub water.
pH Decreaser
Regular price
Lowers pH level to provide proper water balance. Easier and safer to store and handle than liquid acid.
Chlorinating Concentrate (Granular)
Regular price
Contains 62% available chlorine for regular sanitizing and oxidizing of spa water. Granules dissolve rapidly and completely in spa water.
Calcium Hardness Increaser (14oz)
Regular price
Increases calcium hardness level in spa water. Helps prevent corrosion of spa equipment and surfaces.
Brominating Concentrate (Granular)
Regular price
Easy to use, one-step granular sanitizer and oxidizer for spas and hot tubs. Dissolves quickly and completely to establish sanitizer level in water.
Spa Specialties Increaser (16oz)
Regular price
This liquid formula is designed to adjust pH and alkalinity levels without pre-mixing. Spa Increase gently raisess both pH and total alkalinity.
Spa Specialties Decreaser (16oz)
Regular price
This liquid formula is designed to adjust pH and alkalinity levels without pre-mixing. Spa Decrease gently lowers both pH and total alkalinity.
Brominating Tablets (1.5lbs)
Regular price
These tablets are a concentrated source of active bromine and dissolve slowly and evenly in spa feeders and floaters to provide continuous disinfection.
Spa Clarifier (16oz)
Regular price
Specially developed for hot water, Spa Clarifier clears cloudy water and adds sparkle by removing micro-particles that dull spa water.
pH Up (1lb)
Regular price
This granular formulation help adjust pH levels to maintain perfectly balanced spa water.
pH Magic Water Balancer (3lbs)
Regular price
Once the pH range is established between 7.0 and 8.0 ppm, an application of this patented formulation will lock in pH levels between 7.2 and 7.8. Use it every time the spa is refilled to lock in the pH level for up to three months.
Liquid Calcium Hardness Up (32oz)
Regular price
Liquid Calcium Hardness Up raises calcium levels to help reduce foam and protect the spa from harmful corrosion from soft water or low calcium hardness.
GLB Generation - Brominating Disinfectant Tablets
Regular price
These tablets are a form of brominating hydantoin for pools. Disinfects pool water, keeping it clear and clean of odor. Gives the effectiveness of chlorine without the chlorine odor.
Foam Out (32oz)
Regular price
Filter Fresh filter cleaner deep cleans and improves the effectiveness of spa filters. This powerful formula removes grease, oil and scale when used as an overnight soak.
Regular price
Enhance bromide salt solution contains premixed liquid bromine salts that releases bromine when Activate is added, killing and preventing bacterial growth.
Deluxe Spa Care - Oxidizer kit
Regular price
This complete spa start-up system contains everything needed to open a spa. The kit contains Spa Clarifier to clear cloudy water, Foam Out to defoam, Protect Plus sequestering agent, pH Up and pH Down water balancers, Activate non-chlorine shock oxidizer, Natural Clear enzyme cleaner, 4-Way Test Strips and a spa care guide to fully educate the new spa owner.